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Honduras Maru
Honduras Maru - Cape Town, South Africa
Built 1966
More details and photos for: Honduras Maru
Fleet:K Line (Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd.) - Tokyo, JapanIMO:6621844 
Owner:Kawasaki Kisen K.K. & Taiyo Kaiun K.K.Category:General Cargo
Manager: Port/Flag:Kobe, Japan
Dimensions:Length (oa): 141.0 m (462.6 ft) Length (lbp): 130.2 m (427.2 ft) Beam: 20.9 m (68.6 ft)Call Sign: 
Built:Hitachi Shipbuilding, Mukaishima, Japan - Entered service in 1966/12
Names:Honduras Maru (1978), Halmahera Career (1981), Balder Chuanchow
Disposition:Wrecked in the Lingayin Gulf, traveling between Manila and San Fernando, Philippians with urea.
Lost on 1987/12/06.

Photographer:Ian Shiffman - Cape Town, South AfricaCollection:Ian Shiffman Collection (Cape Town, South Africa)
Format:Colour Negative 35mmViews:72 
Uploaded:2023-12-01 2:08 PM by René Beauchamp
