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Polk - Welland Canal - May 21, 1983
Photographed while she was downbound in the Welland Canal at Homer Bridge in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada on 21 May 1983.
Polk (ex Missouri) and Pasco (ex Maryland) were enroute from the Great Lakes to Tampa, Florida for new duties.
More details and photos for: Polk
Owner:Greater Gulf Towing Company - Tampa, FloridaCategory:Tug
Manager: Port/Flag:Tampa, United States
Dimensions: Call Sign: 
Built:Great Lakes Towing Company, Cleveland, Ohio, USA - Entered service in 1915
Names:Missouri (1983), Polk (1983/10), Michigan (1997), Cape Flattery, Punta Tuna, Superior

Photographer:Barry Andersen - St. Catharines, Ontario, CanadaCollection:Barry Andersen Collection (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)
Format:Kodachrome slideViews:53 
Uploaded:2018-12-03 12:13 AM by Jeff Cameron
