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Queen City
Queen City - Windsor, Ontario - September, 1975
At the time when this photo was taken, this tug was used as a floating restaurant. Built in 1911 at Kingston by Kingston S.B. Co, yard number 1. Ex Macassa, Jalobert and Polana.
More details and photos for: Queen City
Owner:Robert AdamsCategory:Tug
Manager: Port/Flag:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dimensions:Beam: 7.0 m (23.0 ft)Call Sign:
Built:Kingston Ship Building Company, Kingston, Ontario - Entered service in 1911
Names:Polana (1930), Jalobert (1954), Macassa (1965), Queen City

Photographer:Hal Jackson - Dearborn, Michigan, USACollection:Late Hal Jackson Collection (1917-1977) (Dearborn, Michigan USA)
Format:Kodachrome slideViews:75 
Uploaded:2021-05-02 4:51 PM by René Beauchamp
